Friday, February 14, 2014

Culture Day

My students have been learning about the various cultures within Namibia. There are a ton!!! I definitely did not teach this unit. Many of my students come from different cultures. Most of the students are Damara but are often mixed with another culture. So for this unit my cooperating teacher asked students to bring in different traditional foods from their culture for the class to sample! On the first day, students brought portage, breads, and meat (beef intestines). Guess who got to try the food first. This gal. What an experience it is to try this new food while forty small faces are staring at you, waiting for some response. They got a kick out of my expression when I was finally able to sallow the beef intestine.

The next day, some more students brought in food for the class to try. This time there was donkey meat! It was not terrible, but it definitely was a little more salty than I would prefer. 

And then this face...


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