Monday, January 13, 2014

Almost the First Day of School Part 2

First day (kinda) of school today! Actually, it was the teacher work day today at the schools, so we went to the schools to meet the teachers and the principle. We spent three hours in the teachers' meeting this morning at my school. It was quite the interesting experience. Nothing quite like school meetings in the States. We first arrived at 8am in the morning and was greeted by cheering from the teachers! As other teachers came in they also gave them cheers, but each teacher went around the room giving hugs and kisses to each other. It is apparent that they really enjoy working with these peoples and that they have established something of a family between them. Before the meeting started I asked the teacher next to me about what she taught and if she enjoyed working here. She kind of gave me this shrugged about working here, she explained that the principle is very  strict. During the meeting the principle discussed to the teachers, in a very stern voice, that she will not tolerate people being late or absent or unprofessionally dressed. At home that conversation would never happen in a whole group like that, so it was quite strange to witness it. The meeting however was very inspirational. The principle inspired that teachers to be passionate, caring, innovated, imaginative, and such. However, it was interesting to notice that the principle never really had anything concrete to say about what specific goals and plans the school has for the school year. At home, we usually focus on some very specific goals in each meeting. We left the school after three hours in the meeting, but we never got assigned which classroom we will be in for Wednesday when the school year starts. I guess it will be a surprise...

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